Jun 30 2010

Summary of my travel route

This is the route map of my 100,000km 10 months trip to around 43 countries and 180 cities. (Zoom in for a closer look at the routes or click on the below Link).

This is my other blog about my training for the NYC Ironman and marathon after coming back from my backpacking trip. I’ve been involving in some endurance sports such as running and biking after the backpacking trip so thought this is another journey that I can write about. It’s still work in progress.. http://journey26.com/training/ Feel free to provide feedbacks.

2 Responses to “Summary of my travel route”

  1. bacterium says:

    Wow.. Your travel map awed me. How much have you spent in the 150k km trip?

  2. journey26 says:

    I spent less than 20k and most of my costs were in transportation because I moved a lot. Accommodation and food didn’t cost too much since it’s a budget trip.

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