Jul 30 2009

Last few days

Flying off in less than 3 days and don’t think I did enough preparation for this trip yet.
I sold my car today to Elvis and we went to the DMV in queens to return my car plate. I have been driving the car for 5 years so I will definitely miss my car.



The DMV is just around flushing and there was a long queue at the DMV when we arrived. Surprisingly the DMV is pretty efficient and we managed to get everything done in an hour.





Stopped by flushing to grab the $4.95 lunch last time. 4 good dishes, fruit, soup and drink for 4.95? That’s the most reasonable food place in New York City I found so far.



Had a farewell dinner at a chinese restaurant with some old friends this evening.

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One Response to “Last few days”

  1. Elise says:

    What’s a regret not to have a farewell lunch with you when you were in Flushing. Instead letting you to grab the $4.95 lunch yourself.

    You’ll be back to NY again, Don’t you? I hope I still have the chance to treat you a welcome meal.

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