Posts tagged: erlian

Jan 05 2010

Erlian, China

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Arrived at Erlian around 6am in the morning. Weather here is colder than HohHot. Walked around and found an internet cafe. Spent a few hours at the internet cafe while waiting for sun rise.

Train station

Found out that there is another train that will cross the border from Erlian to Zamin Uud, (ZhangMuDe) a town at the mongolian side at 5.10pm. There are trains from Erlian to ZhangMuDe on Mon, Tues and Thursday. Decided to take the train instead since it’s an easier option than taking multiple vehicles to cross the border myself, especially the weather is quite cold now. Today the weather temperature ranges from around -30C – -15C.

Mongolia couple

Got on the 685 train (66 Yuan~USD$10) at 5.10pm and crossed the border.

It looked like there were smoke on the train but actually it’s just hot air because the weather was too cold.

On the train

the conductor was selling another ticket to Ulan Bator on the same train. The ticket costing 39,200 ~190 Yuan~USD$18.

My bunk mate, from shangdong

Hot air

After going for around 10km, the train stopped at the border town of ZhangMuDe for a few hours for immigration controls and changing the tracks. The train departed from ZhangMuDe at around 9.15pm.

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