Posts tagged: ShiHeZi

Dec 25 2009

ShiHeZi, China

It’s snowing heavily this morning in Urumqi.

Took bus 16 to south train station and took a bus from there to ShiHeZi which is another city 2 hours away (27 Yuan~USD$4) from Urumqi.

Someone told me that ShiHeZhi is a beautiful new city which was developed recently. The Chinese government has been developing new cities for people to move in and SHiHeZhi was founded just in 2004.

Sat beside a student and he explained to me a little about Chinese history.

Someone told me that Urumqi is the second most polluted city in China and most time you can’t see the sun. But in ShiHeZhi I was able to see the blue sky.

Shopping Street

People in CHina and are quite hardworking. There were hundreads or even thousands of volunteers cleaning the snow and ice on the street.

Took another bus back to Urumqi (29Yuan~USD$4).


Got back Urumqi train station at 7.30pm. Went in the train station to get more information.

The signs in the train station are practical and useful. This is a more efficieny system I have seen so far after traveling to and from different train stations.


Price and distance

There is even a big sign in front of the train station showing the number of seats available.

This is a more efficient system I had seen so far in my travel.

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