Jan 02 2010

Xining , China


Xining is the capital of Qinghai province. The city has a population of around 1 million and has a sea level above 2000 meters. The city has a good mix of Han, Zhang (Tibetan) and Hui.

Xining is spreaded out from east to west just south of the yellow river. Took bus 9 to the provincial museum.

Inside the museum

A Tibetan exhibit section

The museum is quite new just like the one in LanZhou, just a little smaller. Both museums are free. At first I was impressed by the infrastructures in China but even now museums are well constructed. It seems like these two provincial governments have a lot of funds to spend. China has a huge reserves so the country is able to direct its surplus to construct not only hard assets such as roads and buildings but even soft assets with cultural and historical values.

Just 35 years ago, the country was embroiled in cultural revolution where museums and cultural relics were destroyed but looks like now things are changing for the better, or that is what it seems on the surface.

Xining GuangChang

Wushu Practice

Yummy duck neck (5 Yuan). It’s very spicy.

Activities on the frozen river.

A Chinese family. Because of one child policy, the whole family is able to fit in one cart.

RenMin GuangChang

Noise pollution monitor

Tibetan (Zhang Zu) family. I heard that around 20% of the population in Xining are Tibetans.

Went to a QingZhen restaurant. QingZhen restaurants are usually opened by Hui (Chinese Muslims) and they don’t allow outside food such as meat to the restaurant.
Mushroom noodle (6 Yuan)

Mountains behind the train station


Xining is quite a diverse city. Tibetans monks and Hui Chinese (Muslims Chinese) walking on the street.

Performance across the train station

Got on the 7.24pm overnight K916 train (120 Yuan~USD$18) to YinChuan.
Inside the train station

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